PERICARDIUM (belated Valentines Prayer)

  • In my old age let me study
  • the great vessels 
  • the Venus drainage
  • the functions which prevent 
  • the heart from overflowing 
  • the wise tension of that
  • which is flexible 
  • but does not stretch beyond 
  • let me eat barley, scallions
  • take bruises as signals 
  • and impact as impacting 
  • tally the events which sent 
  • my heart blood to 
  • my face, stomach
  • pounding at receipt 
  • even grocery store roses 
  • wrapped in loud plastic
  • eyes and skin changing color 
  • to prove the 
  • world

Hearts & Minds

 The doctor doesn't even need my clothes

It's a hernia

Get surgery

You'll be fine in 6 months

I was thinking last September if

I'd be fine six months hence



my mind is still willing.

forgetting the sabbath prayers

what is trust

between a cockroach

& the harbor of a rotten vanity

between beds of a bunk

between dust & a mistuned piano

between boca burgers & a toaster oven

between Jeopardy & 7

between faith & a glass of grape juice

between turtles & ninja

between pillows & erections

& shame & local access television

& pee & porcelain

& grey scale tiles of a bathroom floor

between trust & brothers

is love ideally

if not resentment


an apartment of grievances

to tow around in a storage locker

for the rest of a life

like childhood somehow betrayed gravity

& punishment is between

trust & forgiveness

Still thinking about it

I wish you had met me at low tide

On that limestone poppy ridge 

In the autumn when the lifeguards

Go back to college

Tossed my windswept seastrewn heart

Into an oyster bucket

Swam to the sprinting moon with me

Fearless of drowning

throwing bushes of berries over prison walls
and always the audacity to ask another question
to want more and more and more
until the highway comes to a short stop
the narrative of unfurling myself
as rug to be walked on
serves neither of us


  • pale gold castle school
  • it was so special, that time 
  • everything mattered
  • what we got at the corner store
  • what kind of muffin, dense chocolate 
  • or oily poppyseed 
  • chocolate milk or Martinelli’s
  • diet coke with lemon 
  • I wish I smoked then
  • so I could return to it now
  • stand in a corner and put on a song
  • close my eyes and hold the ember 
  • out like a lantern
  • airplane arms rigid drifting 
  • in a controlled 
  • glide


how could you budge
how could I 
both so chiseled
but it’s cute to be shy 
cute to be alive
cute to be too much 
blinking bright eyes 
in the hot pink landscape 
clapping telephone game 
where you pass along desires 
lap to lap figure eight 
until someone ends up 
closer to what 
they want 

IMPRINT (pear poem 4)

I can’t write it

I am only just learning
to treasure everything  

I wish you could see the mountain today
I wish we could meet
in closeness

some chaotic street
some sour smell

you holding yourself in 
me letting myself out 

Pear Poem 3 (reading about the moon)

picture of you crouched on a rock 
calling the tides, sending strings out 
from your fingers 

hot palms you bought our 
movie tickets, too slippery to hold 
in the butter dark 

the moon, a coin, and our bodies
churning along 

crawling onto the couch,
one paw down my pants 

they say the moon is a stranger,
a case of faces

dark brown mole on your 
shining chin, as kids we teased 
it had its own population

shy islands 
we locked into each other, 
neither of us knowing 
what do with pain 

you learned so much 

eating and spitting yourself 
out again 

aged on the porch, young in the wind 
reading about Zen, making altars 
with garbage, cooking Poppy tea

living with your mother, your father, 
and then yourself, 

you were her moon, and mine 
dignified in the dark
eager and kind 

moon always looking for 
the sun of total

dozing in the promise 
of a shadow 

 ever the orange laced with garlic
the pungent and the floral 
in tandem 
in opposition, the burnt milk
forgotten on the stove
harkens back to a cup of milk
left in my childhood bedroom for weeks
when it spilled 
i wiped up the curdled clumps with a sweatshirt
and, for fear,
closed it in my unicorn trunk
hoping it could somehow disappear
the key is in the resolution
--did i reveal the sweatshirt, 
dragging it down the stairs in two fingers,
hoping for forgiveness?
was it discovered from the growing smell
and i hunted down for answers?
was there a tender hug
conveying a gentle understanding
on how hard it is to remember 
anything in this world?--
my memory only holds 
the isolating shame
having done wrong, 
and in so, being wrong.
and at this moment
my child spills his milk
while watching tv in the living room
and leaves it to drip off the side table
my voice wells just slightly 
for a moment at his inaction
it being hard to remember
how unsettling 
those shifts in tone can feel
just the very unsturdiness 
of moving through the world
only longing to be swathed
in a sweet and unconditional love


I was born in the endless mountains

And from there developed an endless

Need to be held between valleys

Lehigh, Lehigh, lama sabachtani ?

Teenage Mary Magdalene, seduced

By the Lutheran lighting tech, I

Still sing the passion play songs 

And feel wild enough to get to heaven

Julianne and I paced the overflow pond

In halter tops and platform sandals

I always picture her nose deep in sick lit

Perched in an apple tree, one leg swinging

Before Applewood sold the orchard

shop my moms yard sale

you left me to bargain

in the bric a brac bin

with a rocking horse disposition

and crocheted mittens

despite the gnomes 

their lacquers

the ducks-in-a-rows

i won the day

found treasure antiqued in

a sorry bucket

i switched the stickers

you'd say

i knew the lucky colors

you'd say

whats the price

of a music box to a deaf heart

its worth the tickling ridges

and the teeth of the harp

say this spinning can last 

only so long

as wooden fruit can grow

so you left me to the bottom of the binners

with a receipt book

and a roll of belgian francs

and the ziploc idiom

that all jewelry is costume

jewelry beneath a certain standard

of goldness




In Ten Years

I think the curse of our self-awareness
is the vanity that comes from forever
situating ourselves within our arcs,
it's relentless, it's not total life ruining
addiction, but it needs a group, or we
need witnesses to witness us all 
just witnessing ourselves. It's what
basically has our barons rewriting 
history by downgrading the space
race for the sake of four minutes
of weightlessness and four minutes
of breathless commentary. We are
all our agents in real time and honestly
it's exhausting, most of the universe is 
a vacuum but then it also fills a 
vacuum and we're so unprepared for 
when it does that, when we're just 
wondering about optics all the time instead 
of singing songs about ourselves that 
might just land on someone else so
that they may continue the song
or just make a subtle amendment
because they want someone else
to get the reference they chose
to help make the reference to 
themself. When we sing and when
we return to the same song ten
years after, it is with the hope that
in the years between we quietly went
about our way finding comfort when
we could, adjusting our circumstances,
just doing the things that needed to be
done, instead of hovering in place,
in fear of losing the words, or their
cadence and expecting that if the
song no longer remains the same
then neither does the audience. 


fire dampens 

little submissive archetype 

bearing resentful sweets

I will contain, not move

I will press you and 

never be satisfied with 

the pressing 

think of the sweet pizza 

I lived on in Queens 

roll my body out

give it a chance 

to deflate

were the stars more

when we were young, 

or were our brains just 

better at falling?

brains like leaking lakes

spring-green grass

shaking in low wind 

and a chanted whisper

daring no-one 

to love you

to honor it all

i had a dream that i called
this guy over to my house 
to sleep with me, and then
when my queer femme 
friends were over i got
terrified they’d see him,
he’d out me, he came into 
the kitchen where we were
hangin’ from the bedroom
where i’d stashed him, he
was topless wearing blue
jeans and a bandana head
band and i gave him dagger
stares like “get back in the
room!” subtly as i could 

(when you hide someone
else, you’re hiding part of
yourself, duh!) today i re-
watch a sex scene from 
“normal people” to self-
pleasure before going to
meet up with him (express
my sexual energy— at least
that roiling surface level)
i want to be clear about
what i am feeling for whom

not to confuse general desire
for intimacy and eros with a
longing for the individual 
sitting in front of me, i want 
to see what is actually there, 
connell asks marianne if she 
would pretend not to know 
him if they saw each other 
on trinity campus in dublin 
the following year, and she 
says, “i would never pretend 
not to know you," Goddess 
please let me not hide a thing